Assets Communitybanks All Insured Commercial Banks in Pennsylvania
Total Assets 3,782,352,000 3,655,250,473
Loans & Leases 2,584,163,000 405,690,591
Real Estate Loans 2,009,542 247,968
Commercial Loans 386,738 57,575
Individual Loans 132,618 16,805
Agricultural Loans 8,463 4,195
Other Loans and Leases in Domestic and Foreign Offices 75,212 84,694
Loan and Lease Allowance (25,580) (3,834)
Unearned Income on Loans (2,830) (1,713)
Securities 633,340,000 559,016,784
U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities 301,472 98,733
Municipal Securities 244,402 52,614
Foreign Debt Securities 2,861
All Other Securities 87,466 404,808
Cash & Balances due from depository institutions 70,955,000 57,950,407
Noninterest-Bearing Cash and Due From Banks 67,682 10,727
Interest-Bearing Bank Balances 3,273 47,224
Federal Funds Sold and Resales 54,908
Trading Account Assets 20,003 2,409,692
Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 49,394 7,274
Other Real Estate Owned 3,175 1,142
Direct and Indirect Investments in Real Estate Ventures 6,433
Investment in Unconsolidated Subsidiaries 126,348
Acceptances and Other Assets 421,322 26,795
Liabilities Communitybanks All Insured Commercial Banks in Pennsylvania
Total Liabilities 3,782,352,000 2,172,818,507
Deposits 3,194,537,000 1,781,641,138
Demand Deposits 176,099 33,928
All NOW & ATS Accounts 76,742 19,781
Money Market Deposit Accounts 214,115 613,296
Other Nontransaction Savings 821,502 101,891
Time Deposits At Or Below Insurance Limit 1,005,451 114,737
Fully Insured Brokered Deposits 3,267 132,412
Less: Fully Insured Brokered Deposits (3,267) (132,412)
Time Deposits Above Insurance Limit 337,896 58,114
Total Deposits in Foreign Offices
Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings Maturing Under One Year 14,408 95,838
Federal Funds Purchased & Resales 122,830 248,854
Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowing Maturing Over One Year 398,796 95,031
Other Borrowings Maturing Under One Year 129,146
Other Borrowing Maturing Over One Year 1,736 266,363
Acceptances & Other Liabilities 24,962 4,662
Capital 587,815,000 391,177,369
Subordinated Notes and Debentures 338,747
Total Equity 587,815 52,431