Assets Centra Bank-Smithfield All Insured Commercial Banks in Pennsylvania
Total Assets 249,092,000 1,032,790,232
Loans & Leases 107,857,000 365,804,840
Real Estate Loans 90,135 233,532
Commercial Loans 13,298 45,342
Individual Loans 4,676 17,551
Agricultural Loans 10 3,757
Other Loans and Leases in Domestic and Foreign Offices 2,494 70,581
Loan and Lease Allowance (2,756) (3,429)
Unearned Income on Loans (1,529)
Securities 78,501,000 518,850,979
U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities 65,054 84,222
Municipal Securities 4,141 49,189
Foreign Debt Securities 2,083
All Other Securities 9,306 383,357
Cash & Balances due from depository institutions 5,381,000 30,693,673
Noninterest-Bearing Cash and Due From Banks 5,273 10,986
Interest-Bearing Bank Balances 108 19,708
Federal Funds Sold and Resales 37,908 52,165
Trading Account Assets
Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 1,408 6,350
Other Real Estate Owned 10 741
Direct and Indirect Investments in Real Estate Ventures 8,358
Investment in Unconsolidated Subsidiaries 28,411
Acceptances and Other Assets 18,027 21,415
Liabilities Centra Bank-Smithfield All Insured Commercial Banks in Pennsylvania
Total Liabilities 249,092,000 1,825,348,565
Deposits 219,792,000 1,395,668,360
Demand Deposits 28,184 33,918
All NOW & ATS Accounts 441 20,268
Money Market Deposit Accounts 16,535 535,264
Other Nontransaction Savings 41,141 91,764
Time Deposits At Or Below Insurance Limit 90,843 102,511
Fully Insured Brokered Deposits 104,394
Less: Fully Insured Brokered Deposits (104,394)
Time Deposits Above Insurance Limit 40,410 53,049
Total Deposits in Foreign Offices
Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings Maturing Under One Year 30,629
Federal Funds Purchased & Resales 226,833
Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowing Maturing Over One Year 55,399
Other Borrowings Maturing Under One Year 43,492
Other Borrowing Maturing Over One Year 198,274
Acceptances & Other Liabilities 2,238 4,268
Capital 29,300,000 429,680,205
Subordinated Notes and Debentures 381,243
Total Equity 29,300 48,437