Assets Wps Community Bank, Fsb All Insured Savings Banks in Wisconsin
Total Assets 94,395,000 406,037,821
Loans & Leases 91,514,000 286,578,000
Real Estate Loans 88,429 262,607
Commercial Loans 4,141 11,859
Individual Loans 260 15,372
Agricultural Loans 829
Other Loans and Leases in Domestic and Foreign Offices 1 1,306
Loan and Lease Allowance (1,317) (5,249)
Unearned Income on Loans (145)
Securities 0 63,754,250
U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities 48,679
Municipal Securities 9,827
Foreign Debt Securities 0
All Other Securities 5,248
Cash & Balances due from depository institutions 1,309,000 27,439,429
Noninterest-Bearing Cash and Due From Banks 1,309 5,586
Interest-Bearing Bank Balances 21,853
Federal Funds Sold and Resales 133 577
Trading Account Assets 0
Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 101 6,630
Other Real Estate Owned 2,137
Direct and Indirect Investments in Real Estate Ventures 107
Investment in Unconsolidated Subsidiaries 7
Acceptances and Other Assets 1,338 18,809