Net Income Analysis ( % relative to Total Revenue )
Income Statement Wells Fargo Bank Texas, National Association All Insured Commercial Banks in Texas
Interest and Fees on Loans 439,600 3,387
Income from Lease Financing Receivables 434
1,204 86
Estimated Tax Benefit from Tax-Exempt Loan Income 631 44
Income on Loans and Leases (TE) 440,231 3,410
Investment Interest Income (TE) 150,728 1,143
Total Interest Income (TE) 653,141 4,597
Total Interest Expense 128,527 1,153
Net Interest Income (TE) 524,614 3,438
Non-Interest Income 411,532 979
Adjusted Operating Income (TE) 936,146 4,492
Non-interest Expense 699,826 2,906
Provision for Loan & Lease Losses 21,132 505
Pretax Operating Income (TE) 215,188 3,236
Pretax Net Operating Income (TE) 222,818 3,385
Applicable Income Taxes 72,768 1,320
Net Operating Income 144,610 2,423
Net Income 144,610 2,458
Cash Dividends Declared 190,000 1,950
Retained Earnings 1,397