Cash Dividends Declared Over Time
Cash Dividends Declared The State Bank Of Geneva All Insured Commercial Banks in Illinois
12-31-2016 1,225,243
09-30-2016 854,149
06-30-2016 624,625
03-31-2016 265,516
12-31-2015 942,817
09-30-2015 635,738
06-30-2015 402,281
03-31-2015 163,784
12-31-2014 790,240
09-30-2014 524,583
06-30-2014 354,808
03-31-2014 131,590
12-31-2013 799,426
09-30-2013 522,965
06-30-2013 353,466
03-31-2013 127,993
12-31-2012 689,055
09-30-2012 382,507
06-30-2012 255,038
03-31-2012 100,453
12-31-2011 456,580
09-30-2011 278,086
06-30-2011 184,279
03-31-2011 69,852
12-31-2010 377,000 397,337
09-30-2010 205,000 257,627
06-30-2010 205,000 168,323
03-31-2010 447,417
12-31-2009 586,000 2,434,207
09-30-2009 219,000 2,304,296
06-30-2009 219,000 1,969,968
03-31-2009 590,751
12-31-2008 753,000 2,010,836
09-30-2008 1,850,010
06-30-2008 1,339,097
03-31-2008 880,856
12-31-2007 558,000 4,086,073
09-30-2007 5,817,687
06-30-2007 3,139,936
03-31-2007 1,949,364
12-31-2006 930,000 3,469,942
09-30-2006 2,817,736
06-30-2006 2,395,138
03-31-2006 1,577,587
12-31-2005 888,000 3,352,602
09-30-2005 2,840,715
06-30-2005 1,560,515
03-31-2005 918,646
12-31-2004 1,056,000 2,847,081
09-30-2004 256,000 2,594,366
06-30-2004 6,592,672
03-31-2004 3,849,733
12-31-2003 1,553,000 7,251,776
09-30-2003 539,000 6,838,933
06-30-2003 4,952,648
03-31-2003 2,712,467
12-31-2002 1,348,000 4,600,183