Fully Insured Brokered Deposits as a percent of Average Assets Over Time
Fully Insured Brokered Deposits as a percent of Average Assets The Oculina Bank All Insured Savings Banks in Florida
12-31-2016 2.975 3.173
09-30-2016 3.184 3.077
06-30-2016 3.474 2.64
03-31-2016 3.59 2.384
12-31-2015 4.958 2.325
09-30-2015 5.313 2.419
06-30-2015 5.503 2.295
03-31-2015 5.701 2.106
12-31-2014 1.787 1.757
09-30-2014 .684 1.715
06-30-2014 1.762
03-31-2014 1.692
12-31-2013 2.073
09-30-2013 2.139
06-30-2013 2.072
03-31-2013 2.125
12-31-2012 1.99
09-30-2012 1.855
06-30-2012 1.158
03-31-2012 1.169
12-31-2011 .216