Assets The First National Bank Of Gilman All Insured Commercial Banks in Illinois
Total Assets 38,756,000 340,670,771
Loans & Leases 22,029,000 149,842,430
Real Estate Loans 10,678 105,662
Commercial Loans 4,288 20,167
Individual Loans 2,765 5,364
Agricultural Loans 4,373 8,465
Other Loans and Leases in Domestic and Foreign Offices 225 13,283
Loan and Lease Allowance (300) (2,323)
Unearned Income on Loans (777)
Securities 5,008,000 80,718,718
U.S. Treasury and Agency Securities 2,643 33,031
Municipal Securities 2,088 22,479
Foreign Debt Securities
All Other Securities 277 25,209
Cash & Balances due from depository institutions 9,866,000 86,897,895
Noninterest-Bearing Cash and Due From Banks 2,979 4,425
Interest-Bearing Bank Balances 6,887 82,473
Federal Funds Sold and Resales 6,293
Trading Account Assets
Premises and fixed assets (including capitalized leases) 620 4,170
Other Real Estate Owned 4,113
Direct and Indirect Investments in Real Estate Ventures
Investment in Unconsolidated Subsidiaries 2,621
Acceptances and Other Assets 1,233 6,014
Liabilities The First National Bank Of Gilman All Insured Commercial Banks in Illinois
Total Liabilities 38,756,000 990,964,169
Deposits 37,587,000 969,627,902
Demand Deposits 7,342 15,129
All NOW & ATS Accounts 9,013 14,615
Money Market Deposit Accounts 1,716 117,471
Other Nontransaction Savings 6,762 21,091
Time Deposits At Or Below Insurance Limit 8,572 56,488
Fully Insured Brokered Deposits 72,151
Less: Fully Insured Brokered Deposits (72,151)
Time Deposits Above Insurance Limit 3,130 35,400
Total Deposits in Foreign Offices
Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowings Maturing Under One Year 13,430
Federal Funds Purchased & Resales 880 60,911
Federal Home Loan Bank Borrowing Maturing Over One Year 34,187
Other Borrowings Maturing Under One Year 106,276
Other Borrowing Maturing Over One Year 493,207
Acceptances & Other Liabilities 172 1,423
Capital 1,169,000 21,336,267
Subordinated Notes and Debentures
Total Equity 1,169 21,336