Time Deposits At or Below Insurance Limit as a percent of Average Assets Over Time
Time Deposits At or Below Insurance Limit as a percent of Average Assets Hillcrest Bank All Insured Commercial Banks in Kansas
09-30-2010 62.479 31.409
06-30-2010 60.188 30.586
03-31-2010 56.146 28.962
12-31-2009 44.992 24.668
09-30-2009 44.783 24.893
06-30-2009 44.494 24.998
03-31-2009 44.618 25.018
12-31-2008 38.488 25.809
09-30-2008 36.458 25.89
06-30-2008 33.339 25.889
03-31-2008 31.213 25.945
12-31-2007 24.631 26.417
09-30-2007 23.619 26.531
06-30-2007 22.506 26.429
03-31-2007 20.585 26.261
12-31-2006 13.239 26.06
09-30-2006 13.272 26.087
06-30-2006 13.521 25.928
03-31-2006 13.788 25.854
12-31-2005 16.128 26.237
09-30-2005 16.677 26.35
06-30-2005 17.114 26.376
03-31-2005 17.734 26.432
12-31-2004 20.808 27.555
09-30-2004 21.534 27.861
06-30-2004 22.073 28.025
03-31-2004 22.734 28.154
12-31-2003 25.529 29.462
09-30-2003 26.236 29.74
06-30-2003 26.747 29.88
03-31-2003 27.003 29.986
12-31-2002 28.911 30.861