Fully Insured Brokered Deposits as a percent of Average Assets Over Time
Fully Insured Brokered Deposits as a percent of Average Assets Charterbank All Insured Savings Banks in Georgia
12-31-2016 2.129 .535
09-30-2016 2.144 .439
06-30-2016 2.155 .355
03-31-2016 2.992 .386
12-31-2015 2.557 .532
09-30-2015 2.431 .56
06-30-2015 2.071 .874
03-31-2015 1.56 .822
12-31-2014 .097 .77
09-30-2014 .119 .704
06-30-2014 .157 .795
03-31-2014 .233 .921
12-31-2013 .747 .98
09-30-2013 .816 .982
06-30-2013 .935 1.033
03-31-2013 1.188 1.062
12-31-2012 1.228 1.088
09-30-2012 .971 1.08
06-30-2012 .962 1.092
03-31-2012 .953 1.134