Net Income Analysis ( % relative to Total Revenue )
Income Statement Bank One Trust Company, National Association All Insured Commercial Banks in Ohio
Interest and Fees on Loans
Income from Lease Financing Receivables
Estimated Tax Benefit from Tax-Exempt Loan Income
Income on Loans and Leases (TE)
Investment Interest Income (TE)
Total Interest Income (TE)
Total Interest Expense
Net Interest Income (TE)
Non-Interest Income
Adjusted Operating Income (TE)
Non-interest Expense
Provision for Loan & Lease Losses
Pretax Operating Income (TE) 5,698
Pretax Net Operating Income (TE) 5,698
Applicable Income Taxes 2,667
Net Operating Income 3,031
Net Income 3,031
Cash Dividends Declared
Retained Earnings 3,031