Money Market Deposit Accounts as a percent of Average Assets Over Time
Money Market Deposit Accounts as a percent of Average Assets Unb Bank All Insured Commercial Banks in Pennsylvania
12-31-2016 4.759 17.089
09-30-2016 4.736 17.066
06-30-2016 4.619 17.084
03-31-2016 4.618 17.652
12-31-2015 4.662 17.75
09-30-2015 4.689 17.595
06-30-2015 4.694 17.791
03-31-2015 4.624 18.048
12-31-2014 5.443 18.048
09-30-2014 5.683 18.015
06-30-2014 5.912 18.078
03-31-2014 6.263 18.193
12-31-2013 6.83 18.378
09-30-2013 6.88 18.112
06-30-2013 7.148 18.091
03-31-2013 7.007 18.073
12-31-2012 6.561 17.787
09-30-2012 6.426 17.685
06-30-2012 6.588 17.549
03-31-2012 6.905 17.469
12-31-2011 5.857 16.824
09-30-2011 5.564 16.639
06-30-2011 5.345 16.54
03-31-2011 5.187 16.346
12-31-2010 6.146 15.681
09-30-2010 6.66 15.838
06-30-2010 6.604 15.652
03-31-2010 6.567 17.548
12-31-2009 6.822 15.907
09-30-2009 6.916 15.527
06-30-2009 7.019 15.229
03-31-2009 6.854 14.89
12-31-2008 5.586 14.68
09-30-2008 5.273 14.609
06-30-2008 3.182 14.523
03-31-2008 3.01 14.387
12-31-2007 3.575 13.932
09-30-2007 3.716 13.994
06-30-2007 3.943 13.82
03-31-2007 4.398 13.886
12-31-2006 4.985 13.93
09-30-2006 5.124 13.95
06-30-2006 5.299 13.802
03-31-2006 5.356 13.744
12-31-2005 5.417 14.12
09-30-2005 5.616 14.29
06-30-2005 5.7 14.602
03-31-2005 5.965 15.059
12-31-2004 7.277 15.005
09-30-2004 7.623 14.8
06-30-2004 7.959 14.716
03-31-2004 8.256 14.65
12-31-2003 9.627 14.228
09-30-2003 9.914 13.782
06-30-2003 9.713 13.581
03-31-2003 8.526 13.34
12-31-2002 7.144 12.8