Money Market Deposit Accounts as a percent of Average Assets Over Time
Money Market Deposit Accounts as a percent of Average Assets Shoreline Bank All Insured Commercial Banks in Washington
09-30-2010 16.162 17.994
06-30-2010 15.683 17.301
03-31-2010 15.406 18.166
12-31-2009 13.696 17.547
09-30-2009 13.553 17.402
06-30-2009 13.771 16.961
03-31-2009 14.133 16.892
12-31-2008 14.784 18.306
09-30-2008 14.763 18.564
06-30-2008 14.999 18.492
03-31-2008 15.269 18.834
12-31-2007 20.643 19.394
09-30-2007 21.78 19.692
06-30-2007 21.885 19.604
03-31-2007 21.674 19.388
12-31-2006 26.18 19.711
09-30-2006 27.008 19.692
06-30-2006 26.31 19.766
03-31-2006 25.028 20.294
12-31-2005 23.017 20.435
09-30-2005 22.904 20.25
06-30-2005 23.188 19.728
03-31-2005 23.457 20.917
12-31-2004 20.098 20.722
09-30-2004 19.907 20.485
06-30-2004 19.35 20.678
03-31-2004 19.39 20.749
12-31-2003 21.675 20.188
09-30-2003 22.338 20.072
06-30-2003 23.528 19.69
03-31-2003 25.382 19.556
12-31-2002 30.973 18.692