Loan and Lease Allowance Over Time
Loan and Lease Allowance Community State Bank All Insured Commercial Banks in Wisconsin
03-31-2013 (207,000) (2,842,442)
12-31-2012 (195,000) (2,840,214)
09-30-2012 (188,000) (2,872,315)
06-30-2012 (176,000) (2,844,243)
03-31-2012 (177,000) (2,843,682)
12-31-2011 (208,000) (2,778,322)
09-30-2011 (193,000) (2,779,902)
06-30-2011 (221,000) (2,851,186)
03-31-2011 (260,000) (2,880,716)
12-31-2010 (245,000) (2,810,401)
09-30-2010 (344,000) (2,776,245)
06-30-2010 (380,000) (2,635,577)
03-31-2010 (363,000) (2,597,204)
12-31-2009 (207,000) (2,463,244)
09-30-2009 (177,000) (2,343,716)
06-30-2009 (162,000) (2,280,932)
03-31-2009 (326,000) (2,057,839)
12-31-2008 (321,000) (1,960,402)
09-30-2008 (256,000) (1,758,551)
06-30-2008 (254,000) (1,738,465)
03-31-2008 (250,000) (1,629,087)
12-31-2007 (255,000) (1,595,987)
09-30-2007 (255,000) (1,565,439)
06-30-2007 (251,000) (1,563,454)
03-31-2007 (241,000) (1,501,941)
12-31-2006 (230,000) (1,503,127)
09-30-2006 (224,000) (1,480,878)
06-30-2006 (212,000) (1,449,224)
03-31-2006 (211,000) (1,418,633)
12-31-2005 (203,000) (1,391,460)
09-30-2005 (203,000) (1,412,122)
06-30-2005 (202,000) (1,372,101)
03-31-2005 (192,000) (1,367,950)
12-31-2004 (196,000) (1,340,661)
09-30-2004 (191,000) (1,317,793)
06-30-2004 (186,000) (1,289,449)
03-31-2004 (182,000) (1,271,938)
12-31-2003 (195,000) (1,259,352)
09-30-2003 (190,000) (1,256,922)
06-30-2003 (187,000) (1,250,663)
03-31-2003 (183,000) (1,218,783)
12-31-2002 (177,000) (1,174,702)