Time Deposits Above Insurance Limit as a percent of Average Assets Over Time
Time Deposits Above Insurance Limit as a percent of Average Assets Community Bank All Insured Commercial Banks in Wisconsin
09-30-2008 15.211 13.58
06-30-2008 15.972 13.551
03-31-2008 16.216 13.598
12-31-2007 17.313 13.961
09-30-2007 17.7 14.07
06-30-2007 18.105 14.371
03-31-2007 18.361 14.724
12-31-2006 18.453 14.969
09-30-2006 18.446 14.793
06-30-2006 18.673 14.553
03-31-2006 18.623 14.219
12-31-2005 16.675 13.19
09-30-2005 16.437 12.995
06-30-2005 15.558 12.848
03-31-2005 14.148 12.48
12-31-2004 13.389 11.691
09-30-2004 13.708 11.561
06-30-2004 13.736 11.365
03-31-2004 14.414 11.235
12-31-2003 14.301 11.008
09-30-2003 14.139 11.011
06-30-2003 13.862 10.93
03-31-2003 13.445 10.9
12-31-2002 12.966 10.543